Student Drop Off/Pick Up Procedure
Car riders: Drop off
Parents should pull into the left lane of the driveway, leaving the right lane open for anyone entering the front of the school (flag pole side) parking lot. The left lane traffic should proceed straight to the side of the school in a single-file line. An adult will open the door so the student can get out of the car to go inside the building. The doors are unlocked and students are supervised after 7:30 am.
Car riders: Pick up
Students are dismissed at 2:30 and will wait in the building until their car number is called. All guardians picking up a student must have a hang tag displayed on their rearview mirror at all times through the carline. Car riders are to be picked up by 2:50 pm.
Buses drop students off at the front of the school between 7:20 A.M. - 8:00 A.M. and pick students up at 2:30 P.M.